Learning for Life
We are a Voluntary Controlled Church of England Infant School with close links to St John the Apostle, our parish church and are part of the Diocese of Portsmouth and Winchester.
As a church school, our ethos is based on distinctively Christian vision and values which underpin all we do. Church schools are successful places of learning for children of all faiths and none, where questioning of belief and non belief is encouraged as we all try to make sense of the world, the gift of life and the purpose of our own personal lives.
This means that as a school, we encourage children to be curious about faith and explore their own spiritual development. We offer children an experience of faith through collective worship and close links with our parish church. The whole school visits the church at key points during the year, such as Harvest and Easter. Our vicar, Rev. Simon will regularly lead worship (also know as assemblies).
Our Church School has been in Marchwood since it's foundation in 1854.The school has a Terms of Union with the National Society, which gives direction to our school vision for education. This document is displayed in the main school entrance. Please find a copy of this below.