Learning for Life
At Marchwood C of E Infant School, safeguarding children is of utmost importance. We recognise our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and the role all staff play in safeguarding pupils. All staff are trained in the prevention of harm and early identification, intervention and support for pupils at risk of harm. We aim to create an environment where children are safe, cared for and know that their concerns will be taken seriously. We work closely with parents/carers and a range of professional external agencies in order to secure this.
The school's policies apply to the entire school workforce, as well as volunteers, governors and any contractors working on the school site. We ensure that all staff and volunteers have been appropriately checked for their suitability, using the Safer Recruitment procedures.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs Chambers
Deputy DSLs: Mrs Fisher, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Besant
Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mr Keith May
If you have any concerns, no matter how small they seem, about the safety or welfare of any child, please contact the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead on 023 8086 8819.
If you have a concern out of school time or out of term time- please contact:
Hampshire Children’s Services: 0300 555 1384
In the case of an emergency please dial 999
Keeping Children Safe in Education has been revised and the new version came into effect from September 2023. In conjunction with our Local Authority, we have revised all safeguarding policies and in school procedures to meet new requirements to ensure our policies are robust and central to our safeguarding culture. Staff underwent update training on 3rd September 2024.
Safeguarding and child protection policies are reviewed annually and the policy section of our website contains all current policies. Please follow the link below to access these.
All staff, DSLs, the Governing Body and volunteers have regular training and updates as required, in line with both national and local policies.
There are many opportunities throughout our curriculum to explore safeguarding issues in an age appropriate way. Please see the curriculum overview and map below for further details of how we do this.